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Monday, March 14, 2011


We are under construction! Since we last spoke many things have changed. I will begin the blog again in April. Over the next few weeks I am going to publish my speech made last week to The Professional Women in Building. I used that time to wrap up my experience in professional organizing, running a business and making time for me. I believe it will post in about 4 parts.
I feel very strongly about what I put together and would like to share with you also. Since my husband and I experienced our miscarriage in January many opportunities have come since. I am so proud to now be our NARHA State Chairperson  serving 2011-2012. I was also offered a full time position with the therapeutic riding center I was instructing at as assistant to the executive director. I will share more about this experience when I return in April, the feelings I processed and where I felt God was calling me.

The blog/s, Facebook and Twitter pages will all stay up and running but Lula is officially not accepting clients at this time. I would like to spend my time observing and writing on things that interest me. Of course I will still focus on my journey, ways to live with less anxiety (as I am a recovering anxiety addict), technology & gadgets that makes our lives easier and how we can run our homes more efficiently. I will be sharing lots of what I have learned helping my clients along with my own profound moments of how to live my best life!!

Hope you will stay with me and see where this goes! I am excited about this new chapter and can't wait to share it with you!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that & all will be well. - Buddha