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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Working Around the Page

I have left the blog for a few weeks but am slowly returning back to myself. In the last two weeks much has happened. I find myself sitting tonite working at the computer for the 4th hour and realizing Im doing it again. Im taking on more and more and more and more and more...you get it!

But in life I am learning how to balance what I love. Balance what works. Balance what pays. I recently attended a clinic for horse training and our instructor, Mr. Craig Cameron, was filled with wise sayings.

Two of them being...
" Make the wrong thing hard and the right thing easy"

"The secret to success is to find something you would do for free and find someone to pay you to do it"

I really took these sayings to heart. After our recent loss I realized I can plan nothing in my life for I do not steer this ship. Some opportunities to follow my passion have occurred and I have seized them. I am only going where I am lead to go at this point. God is showing me that the wrong thing is hard and the right thing is easy.

In college, during one of my first drawing classes, I was told that I did well at working around the page. I sit here tonight working on two email accounts, a blog, 3 facebook pages, two discussion boards, two committees,  and a twitter feed, simultaneously.

I have spent the last 4 days around horses and horse people and have determined a kind of bluntness comes with the territory. Balance is not always the easiest thing to do but in order to keep moving forward it is necessary.
Will I try to manage it all? Or will I listen to His plans for me and follow His lead?

All I can say is if you needed Lula in the next 4 months....you just missed her!